
Remplissez le formulaire et choisissez les options appropriées.

  • :Pour la source de bois, choisissez une des deux options.
  • Choisissez soit « Expédition » ou « Ramassage ».
  • Vous pouvez soit copier et coller le résultat, soit cliquer sur « Télécharger » pour obtenir un document MS Word.
  • Exemples d’actions que vous avez entreprises pour réduire votre empreinte carbone :

J’ai installé des panneaux solaires.
Je suis passé à un véhicule électrique.
J’ai commencé à composter les déchets organiques.
J’ai amélioré l’isolation de la maison.
J’ai remplacé toutes les ampoules par des LED.
J’ai opté pour les transports en commun ou le vélo.
J’ai réduit ma consommation de viande.
J’ai installé une récupération d’eau de pluie.
J’ai acheté des appareils économes en énergie.
J’ai investi dans les énergies renouvelables.
J’ai réparé les fuites pour minimiser la consommation d’eau.
J’ai recyclé.
J’ai adopté un style de vie minimaliste.
J’ai soutenu des entreprises respectueuses de l’environnement.
J’ai installé une surveillance énergétique domestique.

Modèle De Lettre (Formulaire et Résultat)

[salutation] [politician-name],

-- Everybody Has To Pitch In

I'm dedicated to do whatever I can to reduce my carbon footprint. I take this very seriously. I will do everything in my power to help with the climate catastrophe. I went through the list that was provided on the Government of Canada website:
So far I've done the following: [actions-you-took]

With all these changes I'm sure as an individual I can make an important dent in my carbon emissions, right?

But how much carbon are we talking about exactly?

-- Objective

According to your website, in 2020 the greenhouse gas emissions per capita for a Canadian was about 17.8 metric tonnes of CO2. That's a lot. It's actually the most emissions among all countries. But I'm up to the challenge!

-- The Solution

I decided a while ago that I would capture my own carbon. [wood-source-tree][wood-source-repurposed-wood] But it's not sufficient to capture this carbon, I have to store it also. This means taking down mature trees, and putting the wood away in storage. About half of the mass of wood is carbon so I would need to create about 35.6 tons of wood per year. That's a big challenge but I'll do my best. I already have a bunch of wood ready to store.

-- Storage

Obviously, I can't just leave the wood to rot. I have to keep it hermetically stored. So I cut the wood in blocks, wrapped them up in paper, and stacked them inside my house. But at this rate I will eventually completely run out of space before the end of the year. There has to be a better solution. Then it dawned on me: Where does the carbon come from? It comes from deep in the ground! That's where it should go back to.

So I've contacted Canadian oil companies and asked them to put my carbon back into the ground. They never came back to me.

-- This Is Where You Come In

I decided I will send you about 36 tons of wood per year. [shipping][pick-up] Take the carbon and store it inside the ground where it came from. If you can't do it, make oil companies do it.

-- Your Responsibilities

As the Government of Canada, it is up to you to protect your citizens against dangers such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, atmospheric rivers, wildfires, heat domes, crop failures, all made worse by the climate catastrophe. Refer to

Please fulfil duty as protectors of the land and the people. We as individuals can only do so much to reduce our own footprint. The rest is up to you and corporations. Make Canada a country that leads by its example. Have the courage to make the necessary and urgent changes.

So please return this carbon capture device to the ground. Or even better, keep fossil fuels in the ground, where they belong, and this way we can avoid this whole complicated wood-mailing situation.

